My name is Don Hackford and I retired from the NYPD in 1991, following a 23 year career. After several other professional positions in the New York area, my wife Kathy and I retired to Middle Tennessee in 2005.
Here we have found a wonderful way of life with a low cost of living and low taxes. After selling our home in Long Island, we were able to purchase a much larger house here for half the cost, and put over $200K in the bank. Our property taxes are 20% of what we paid for half the house in Long Island. And unlike the Carolinas, Tennessee has no state income tax and so your pension will not be taxed.
So many of our friends who have visited us here have remarked about the exceptional value of this area, and their surprise at how little is known back in New York about the quality of life offered here. It occurred to us that Middle Tennessee is simply “not on the radar” of many folks as a retirement location even though publications like Kiplinger’s Personal Finance Magazine rated Nashville, Tennessee as the number one smartest place to live in America.
We have advocated this area wholeheartedly, when talking to acquaintances, but felt that others we don’t know personally could benefit as well. In an effort to share our good fortune with others, we have established a website at www.RetireTN.com that provides some in depth information on the retirement possibilities here and our own experience.
This message is an effort to share with you the wonderful retirement experience we have had, and I hope you will want to ask me follow-up questions. Nothing would please us more than to see a significant number of NYPD retirees call our area home.
Remember that you have virtually no cost of living adjustment in your pension and that it will have significant erosion over time. So now is the time to cut those costs by relocating to a place where the costs are low and put the savings in the bank for the day when your pension no longer has its present purchasing power.
Welcome to Retire NYPD Real Estate and Homes. We can refer you to Realtors who can meet any of your needs.
Are you interested in relocation, we have great deals for you. See the example below. Sell in Williston Park for $689K – buy in Hendersonville TN – 15 miles from Nashville for $325K and save over $10,800 in property tax each year for the larger, newer home with over $300K tax free remaining to be put in the bank.